Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A New Hope

  This post is long overdue. The last several days have been overwhelming to say the least. Saying goodbye to all my friends and family and getting ready to leap to the other side of the country has provided me with a never ending list of things to do, lots of which just simply couldn't be done.

  Alas, I have landed in Victoria, British Columbia. The beauty of the area is unmatched to any place I've been. Even the short connecting flight from Vancouver gave me a fantastic look at the island. Jordan (my brother) picked me up from the airport and we shot over to the beach. It was very cathartic to finally stand in the pacific ocean, and it was all I needed to dramatically throw my arms up in a triumphant pose.

  The rest of the day involved seeing my awesome niece and nephew, having some ice cold beers and watching the water, and the two of us throwing unique ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks. Being that we're both overweight and bursting at the seams with unfocused creativity, we intend to get nice and fit together while providing the internet with laughs, tears, and vomit. Make way, mother-huggers, shit is about to get real.



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